The contributing factors to how we look and feel may surprise you. 20% is the result of effective exercise. A whopping 80% is down to nutrition- what we eat and drink on a daily basis.
Have you heard the expression "You can't out run your fork"? In a nutshel this means you can do ALL the exercise you want, however, if your nutrition is off you will never see the results you want.
The best part of my job helping others to understand this! There's a minefield of confusing and conflicting information out there!
My plans are simple and easy to follow.
Basic Fat Loss, Healthy habits, Lean Muscle Programmes, Metabolic reboot, depending on your needs. Accompanied by Breakfast, Vegetarian, Christmas, and treats recipe packs and so much more!
Book in for a chat to find the best progarmme to help you reach your goals
I am not here to promote a particular brand! I want to share what works for me. With the following information you can make your own decisions. If you chose this particular brand I can help you with a discount.
Back in 2013 I stumbled across Herbalife Nutrition. This was at a time in my life when I was slim & fit but not all that healthy. I was teaching 12-15 fitness classes a week, running 25+ miles a week, was under fuelled, knackered and constantly run down.
Herbalife Nutrition was established in 1980. Founder Mark Hughes lost his Mother to an overdose of slimming pills. He wanted to develop a healthy way for people to manage their weight and nutrition. The company has grown into a Global Nutrition Brand used by the likes of Cristiano Ronaldo and Heather Jackson. Backed by science, with over 300 scientists, 42 Ph.D.s and a Nobel Laureate (Dr Loius Ignarrow) on the NAB. I felt confident to give it a go!
I use the supplements to help me reach my optimal daily intake of macros, vitamins and minerals, in a convenient and tasty way and also to support my immune health and sports recovery.
I really do feel amazing so after 11 years (and counting) I'm always happy to recommend.
Most people take some sort of supplement these days- a multivitamin, a protein shake, pre/post workout, collagen and so on..... so we know there is a demand for these types of products.
My advice, let's have a chat so you can gather all the information before deciding if it's right for you. If not, no problem!
Dehydration is a major contributing factor to many issues including fatigue, headaches, weight gain and digestive issues. Did you know, many people confuse hunger for thirst. So they start munching on something that they don't need!
I advise my clients to drink a glass of water on the hour, every waking hour. You'd be surprised the difference this makes on your over health.
I can help you understand this.