How to get started on a healthier lifestyle

Do you need to change? Yes? Do you WANT to change? NO? Keep doing what you are doing…..

Oh you DO WANT TO CHANGE? So let me help you change something 🙂 You see that part is important…the fact you actually want to change somethng.

WHY? If it’s someone elses idea, it won’t work. If it’s just for one day such as a wedding or a party, what’s the point?

Consider changing your health for LIFE. A healthier, more fullfilling life :-).

I’ve been told by some, “life is for living” they want to eat the junk, drink the alcohol and watch the movries and box sets. Trouble is they think that’s living.

Here’s a thought…. What if you could still enjoy a few drinks and takaways and still FEEL a whole lot better than you do right now? Increase your energy, improve your health issues, feel excited to move more with the kids, exercise, dance, walk in the fresh air, sleep better and be the shape and size YOU want to be?

Well here’s the secret…. It’s easier than you think!!!

DECIDE Make the decision you want to change

PLAN Find a plan to acheive that. This may involve a chat with someone like me to personalise your plan

PREPARE a meal plan and shopping list, which I can also help with. Knowing in advance what you and your family will be eating for the week takes away the need for take aways! And saves you money!

HOW? Plan each meal to contain large amount of colourful vegetables, some complex carbohydrates and some Protein.

WHY? Veggies fill you up and give you vitamins and minerals. Complex Carbohydrates are a good energy source and keep blood sugar levels in check. Proteins are the building blocks of muscle and keep you fuller for longer. Most people are protein deficient and are totally unaware how it is affecting their daily lives (more on this in another blog)

HYDRATE many people eat mindlessly, thinking they are hungry when in fact they are thirsty. Drink on the hour every hour to reduce tiredness and fatugue.

MOVE MORE Do something…anything! Walking is so underated! Try to get in a minimum of 7000 steps a day. Don’t worry if you feel too tired… addressing all of the above will give you new found energy!

SLEEP Get those 7 hours in, minimum. Lack of sleep is a major cause for over eating and weight gain, stress, lack of concentration and of course tiredness.

I will address all of these topics over the next few weeks. If you need any advice please book a FREE consultation and I’d be happy to help 🙂

Just know- If you want to change the only person stopping you is you 🙂