About me!

My passion

I love to help people understand!

Health, fitness, nutrition, wellness. There is so much conflicting advice out there. It's easy to be confused or just not understand how you can feel better than you do right now. You may be reading this feeling tired, rundown, unhappy in your skin, and clothes uncomfortable. You might wish to feel healthier and happier or just sleep a little better at night? I believe how we look and feel is 80% down to nutrition and 20% exercise. I speak from experience!! My mission is to help others understand you do not have to settle for feeling less than fabulous! Yes, stuff happens, but if you develop and instill some healthier habits and "nonnegotiables" in your daily routine (just like brushing your teeth!) You will have no problem Living the best you!


how i've arrived here!

I was a sporty kid. Dance, Athletics, Gymnastics. I started work at 14 in a hairdressers and went on to work the crusie ships having the best time! I loved hairdressing but my passion was in fitness. I attended classes and honestly thought I could do better! So I retrained in fitness, teaching aerobics and step back in 1999 and went on to learn loads more (combat, core, pre and post natal...) discovering Yoga flow and Pilates. As a keen runner my life was 80% fitness, I grabbed food on the go whilst teaching 10-15 classes a week around 2 young daughters and a failing marriage. I WAS KNACKERED. Tired and too thin, under weight, over training and eating like a rabbit. I then discovered nutrition! Thank god I did as I was running on empty.

I started to have breakfast, eat more balanced meals, upped my water and started supplementing to plug in the gaps in nutrition I couldn't get from food alone. My energy levels soared, I got fitter, faster, stronger. Going on to run 9 marathons, qualifying good for age for London twice, a 50km ultra and a cycle ride from London to Cologne.

I've cut down my cardio now and started weight training around 4 years ago. I've doubled my calories and increased my energy ten fold! Also increased my muscle mass which enabled me to drop body fat resulting in a leaner physique but weighing in more.

The majority of my food is plant based now. I still love eggs and fish but load up on veggies. I feel cleaner! Recovery from training is insane.

I can honestly say at 50 years old I'm in the best shape of my life both Physically and mentally and now love to help other people, especially women (guys you are welcome!) to understand how they can reach their goals. Underactive thyroid/menopause/tried everything/lack of motivation/don't know where to start..... Exercising effectively and understanding how your body works best is key.

I've helped clients lose weight, improve sports performance, gain lean muscle mass, feel healthier and happier. I can help you start to live the best you too.

Nutrition Plans

Fitness Plans

Online and ON demand Pilates/Yoga/Mobility/Strength classes




Contact me and  a wellness chat to see how I can help you and chose the Programme Package to suit you best.